Our top priority with the QC system must be the product purity. If it's not pure enough we can't sell it. 我们的QC体系的首要任务肯定是产晶纯度。如果产品纯度不够,就卖不出去。
With the increase of CO2 feed concentration, both product purity and recovery increase while the energy consumption of vacuum pump, blower and Wt decrease. 随着CO2进料浓度的增加,产品气的纯度和回收率均增大,相反地,风机、真空泵及过程总能耗均减小。
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide is used in cleaning semiconductor, but metal ions in its primary raw material tetramethylammonium chloride will affect product purity. 四甲基氢氧化铵广泛应用于半导体清洗,而其主要的电解原料四甲基氯化铵中的金属离子含量直接影响产品纯度。
Extraction rate, product purity and color are key points to evaluate the extraction effects of egg yolk lecithin. 蛋黄磷脂的纯度、提取率和色泽是评价提取效果的关键指标,为得到色泽浅,提取率、磷脂含量高的产品。
Lower value may be required depending on maximum allowable level in nitrogen product purity. 可要求采用较低数值,但应视氮产品纯度的最高要求而(H)定。
Furthermore the effects of tower top pressure, temperatures of tower top and bottom, reflux ratio on product purity were analyzed. 同时探讨了塔顶压强、塔顶和塔釜温度、回流比变化对产品纯度的影响,获得了试验条件下的最佳操作条件。
The product purity determined by HPLC is greater than 99%. 经HPLC测定,产品纯度大于99%。
The way of determination for the product purity is simple, quick, and accurate. The method so presented is suitable for the product quality examination and being a control analysis in its production. 结果表明该法能有效地测定产品的纯度,方法简单、快速、准确,可用于该产品质量检定和生产控制分析。
The yield of the product is 74%, and product purity is over 97%. 总收率74%,产品纯度97%以上。
To solve this problem, the effect of material proportion and reactant size on product purity when preparing boron powder from B_2O_3 by heating reduction with magnesium is discussed in this paper. And the reason for this effect is analysed at the same time. 针对此问题,本文探讨了B2O3粉镁热还原法制取硼粉时物料配比、反应物粒度等因素对产品纯度的影响并分析了原因;
This paper studies the methods of abstracting the nucleic acid from waste material of local sea fish processing, determinating the product purity and identifying constituent. 对地产海鱼加工下脚料之一&鱼白中核酸的提取方法、产品纯度测定和组分鉴定方法进行了一些探索。
The product purity increases with the bed slenderness ratio increasing. 产品气的纯度随着吸附塔高径比的增大而增大。
The process is discussed to prepare cetane number LH& 91 type improver of diesel fuel, and the affection of raw material ratio, reaction temperature to the product purity and yield is inspected. 本文讨论了研制和生产LH&91型柴油十六烷值改进剂的工艺条件。考查了原料配比、反应温度对产物纯度及收率的影响。
Under the optimum conditions, the yield is above 87.8% and the product purity is 98.4%. 在此条件下,产品收率可达87.8%,纯度达98.4%。
This article introduces the preparation method of@-caryophyllene alcohol based on heavy turpentine oil via hydration, separation and purification, the product purity can reach 99.9%. 本文介绍了重质松节油经水合反应、分离提纯制备β-石竹烯醇的方法,产品纯度可达99.9%。
The results showed that the process was stable with high yield, product purity was high. 试验结果表明,工艺稳定,产品纯度高,收率高。
The effect of operation parameters such as solvent ratio and reflux ratio on product purity and recovery ratio was studied also. 在对间歇萃取精馏全过程的实验研究中,还考察了操作参数,如回流比和溶剂比对产品纯度和收率等的影响。
The product purity w ( DMH)≥ 99%. 产品w(DMH)≥99%。
We have obtained the desired result. The yield of ethyl butyrate is 80. 17%-88. 79%. The product purity is over 98%. 本法已得到希望的结果,丁酸乙酯的收率在80.17%~88.79%,产品的纯度在98%以上。
All testing results are examined with recovery of 99% and product purity of 99.99%. 获得回收率>99%,产品纯度99.99%。
This paper has scaled up the regular batch extractive distillation and investigated influences of some operating parameters such as reflux ratio 、 flow rate of solvent feeding 、 temperature of solvent on the product purity 、 production rate 、 consumption of solvent etc. 本文将常规间歇萃取精馏流程进行放大,系统的研究了回流比、溶剂流率、溶剂温度对产品纯度、产品收率、溶剂消耗等实验结果的影响。
The existence of the highly concentrated organic matters has affected the product purity. 高浓度有机物的存在影响了产品的纯度。
To ensure product purity and yield basis, the paper optimize the twelve-step reaction the operation. 在保证产品纯度和产率的基础上,本文对文献报道的十二步反应,都对反应条件进行了适当的优化操作。
The effects of eluent, flow-rate and sample loading on separation efficiency were investigated using product purity and recovery as evaluation indices. 考察了洗脱剂比例,流速和上样量单因素对分离效果(以纯度和回收率作为评价指标)的影响。
On the premise of strict control of other conditions, the impact of reflux ratio on product purity and yield is focused on during the distillation. 在精馏过程中,在严格控制好其它操作条件的前提下,回流比是最关键的因素。重点研究了回流比对产品纯度和收率的影响。
The product purity is determined by gas chromatography. 通过气相色谱内标法测定产品纯度。
But its preparation condition quite is harsh, the danger, the synthesis product purity and the production rate are not ideal, is unstable under the water and the moist environment. 但是其制备条件比较苛刻,危险,合成的产物的纯度和产率不理想,且在水中及潮湿环境下也不稳定,易分解。
And to guarantee product purity and yield, we based on the reaction of each step, had to conduct an appropriate optimization. 并在保证产品纯度和产率的基础上,对每步反应,都进行了适当的优化操作。